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Horoscopes for the week of July 13

Weekly horoscopes by Morgan Fava
Image: Pixabay

Horoscopes by Morgan Fava

Morgan is a light worker, mystic, intuit, reiki healer, energy clearer, and an Akashic record reader. She believes she was brought here to spread light and raise the collective consciousness.

Cancer (6/21-7/22)

You are feeling extra expressive this week, which is saying a lot because you are an expressive individual. Find a way to let it out in a peaceful, balanced, creative way that contributes to your well-being. You are feeling inspired around a new project that has to do with money and/or building financial security. Find a way to keep notes as your ideas become more inspired and do not be afraid to be a little wild with this venture. Playing hard to get with this may end up backfiring on you. Be forthright in who you are and show of your skills and talents.

Leo (7/23-8/22)

Use your free time this week to polish up your resume or polish up some of your skillset, this may come in handy in the near future. People have you on their radar, as you are a natural leader, the more prepared you are the more you dazzle with confidence. Also set aside to work on some of those financial matters you keep pushing aside. It is better to keep up with this regularly than to let it pile up. Stay in your lane this week when it comes to family matters, gravitate toward peace and harmony instead.

Virgo (8/23-9/22)

You have a chance to earn even more wisdom this week in a very important relationship. They may be relying on you to help them make a change, this will also help you grow, you both will flourish in many ways. You are hesitant to move forward in a project as the logistics are still a bit foggy, leaving you feeling unsure. This is a test and you know enough to handle whatever you face, once you take it on things will clear up and your questions will be answered quickly.

Libra (9/23-10/22)

The last few weeks have left you feeling exhausted, but in the days ahead you will find your enthusiasm slowly returning. There may be some big news this week that changes your outlook drastically, keep up the faith. You have stuck to a very strict schedule and/or routine that has you feel complacent. It is time to stray from your current patter and break things up, this will open your mind to other possibilities. Go easy on yourself, allow yourself to make mistakes and have a more carefree approach.

Scorpio (10/23-11/21)

Any agreements or contracts you enter into this week need to be looked over very carefully and double checked. There is a possibility for misunderstanding if you are careless in getting things started. You have a lot of work to get done, it is important to get up early and work long days. This is not to overwork yourself, but to actually get ahead so that you can carve out a long period of rest in the near future. You might want to get away, but if you can’t lie about it to everyone who may come knocking at your door. You deserve and need a break from it all.

Sagittarius (11/22-12/21)

A rather large elephant has taken up space in your home life and no one wants to draw any attention to it. You may find yourself battling the urge to bring it up, even though deep down you know there will be a better time to do so. If you can’t fight the urge to talk about the elephant in the room at least be prepared for the potential consequences. Think ahead about what you might say and what your desired result will be. Someone you find difficult to endure may come face-to-face with you this week. They always seem to bring a great deal of drama with them, but rather than try and resolve it, it will be in your best interest to simply try and coexist with this person.

Capricorn (12/22-1/19)

You may feel as though someone in your life is not fully making you happy, but it may simply be because they do not know how. If this is the only aspect of the relationship that is struggling then it is important that you first communicate your needs to them first. They can’t make you happy if they do not know what you fully need. This is a great week to be open in these communications. A situation causing you major anxiety may come to the forefront this week. It is important that you give it your full and complete attention. This has been eating away at your well-being and it is time to get that back.

Aquarius (1/20-2/18)

Long ago you set out on a path that you knew would lead you directly to your goal. You had a plan and you have been very diligent in following through, which has helped pave your way to success. However, you are suddenly wondering if this was the right plan for you. You will gain some clarity on your future this week, from a mentor or an experience, either way it will help shed some light on where you should go next. It is your time to bask in the glory of your accomplishments this week, when you are vocal about your passions you are more likely to meet others who love the same things you do.

Pisces (2/19-3/20)

This is a good week to be sure you have a handle on all of your finances. There could be a chance to invest or get involved in a new venture that would come at an expense, so it is important to know where you currently stand. You have kept a half secret for sometime and this might be the week to let this skeleton fully out of the closet. If you choose to share with someone you trust, their reaction may prove that you wasted a lot of tears on a topic many people can relate to.

Aries (3/21-4/19)

You may find yourself in competition with resources early this week. Competing for the same materials, help, or something else you need. This could cause great tension, but it does not have to go in this direction. You could strengthen your effort by choosing to team up, share resources, and help each other. Your privacy should be a concern for you in the days ahead. Be sure to safeguard your passwords and personal privacy. Be judicious in who you share information with and make sure you trust them fully.

Taurus (4/20-5/20)

It could be easy to get lazy and put off a goal you have been working toward this week. A chance to make this project a reality is around the corner, so now is not the time for laziness. If you are not prepared you will miss the opportunity. This could be a huge opportunity to build your reputation and earn a higher income. Concentrate on doing something you love to do and the material wealth will follow. You may feel a relationship has gone a bit haywire, and there is not much you can do to fix it right now except to be patient. Focus on what you can control.

Gemini (5/21-6/20)

You may be feeling frustrated because there is someplace else in life you would rather be. Remember that you must first make peace with where you are before you can move on. You will gain insight in this matter this week, learning to find happiness where you are, then you can start thinking about the road ahead. You are feeling a bit ambitious in moving up, but you need to do that slowly. Gain proper experience, do things in the right order, and enjoy where you are in each step of the process. A long time misunderstanding may be cleared up this week. You really need to deal with this so you can move ahead.

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“I cleanse this space and my body from any negative energy. I welcome love, light, health and abundance” . . . Each day I walk through my house and smudge with sage or palo santo saying a chant like this. As an energy worker I have to be extra mindful of keeping my energy fields clean and clear for my clients. . . . Do you smudge? Do you find it strange and taboo? Not even sure what smudging is? . . . Excited for my newest program launching soon where we get to talk all things spiritual and “woo-woo” If you’re wanting to know more DM me. Let’s chat! Love and light . . . #smudging #sagesmudge #palosanto #witchylife #spiritualaf #bossbabelife #spiritualbosslady #soulcoach #spiritualmentor #reikihealer #zenzone

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