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Horoscopes for the week of June 15

Weekly horoscopes by Morgan Fava
Image: Pixabay

Horoscopes by Morgan Fava

Morgan is a light worker, mystic, intuit, reiki healer, energy clearer, and an Akashic record reader. She believes she was brought here to spread light and raise the collective consciousness.

Gemini (5/21-6/20)

As an issue that arises in a business or personal relationship this week will have you feeling very frustrated. Take this as an opportunity to really figure out what you want and start fresh. You have been frequently feeling the urge to make a big change to a significant part of your life. Take the time to figure out if this is an escape, or a true desire. It is an escape, it will just be a fantasy you have conjured to getaway from reality. If it is a true desire it is a good time to start taking action.

Cancer (6/21-7/22)

The last year has been one of great expansion and advancement of your consciousness, but you often feel like you have not made much progress. Feedback from the outside world will finally have you seeing the remarkable transformation that has taken place. Take this praise seriously as it will validate your accomplishments. The only obstacle that may come your way this week is your inability to let go of a grudge. Let go now, it will free your energy for something much better.

Leo (7/23-8/22)

As you look at a new idea through rose-colored glasses, it is in your positive nature to be passionate and often overlook the downsides. A reality check this week could leave you feeling disappointed in this sense, but it may be just what you need to get on a stronger track. Someone may keep dredging up an issue that you are not quite ready to deal with. If the issue continues to surface it is time to make yourself ready, you are strong and assertive, find a way to face it.

Virgo (8/23-9/22)

Taking the time to revisit your past, especially in connection to your relationships could bring great enlightenment to you. By studying your past connections you will be able to observe common behaviors and reactions you have to others. This will help guide you in your current relationships, making communication clearer and bringing greater closeness. The opportunity to find closure in something you felt rejection from will come this week, you will see that you did everything right and the rejection had nothing to do with you. Pat yourself on the back.

Libra (9/23-10/22)

Tough decisions around your home, family, and financial security will come about this week. Use this week to rehearse possible outcomes for each scenario, allow what you discover to sit for a few days before you jump into any new commitments. A plan that has been running smoothly may hit a bump in the road this week, it should be easily corrected though and won’t slow you down significantly.

Scorpio (10/23-11/21)

Often perceived as eccentric, you are a bit of a mystery to those around you, so they often use their imagination to figure you out. However, you will find benefit in expressing yourself in a deeply emotional way this week. If you choose to stay mysterious and not let your true emotion show you could end up in an undesirable situation. You feel a great deal of stress building up from worry and fear, you need to find a way to release it through exercise, therapy, or even confiding in a close friend.

Sagittarius (11/22-12/21)

A good salesman brings out all the bells and whistles when trying to sell something. Similarly, you may find yourself wanting to sell yourself in some capacity this week. Even though you have what it takes, make sure your pitch packs a punch. You may find yourself wanting to embark on a new adventure of some sort, but be sure that your passion and logic are in equal balance. Don’t overlook what the practical steps are to get there.

Capricorn (12/22-1/19)

You may always know what you want to do and say, but you often have a hard time fully expressing your emotion. You will find yourself much more expressive in that sense this week, which may ease you into a new way of communicating. A stimulating and unexpected conversation with a stranger this week could bring you great insight to a complex matter. Do not question the source, take the wisdom and put it to good use.

Aquarius (1/20-2/18)

Your strong sense of empathy has you feeling extra compassionate toward people in your expanded circle. Your desire to do something positive to help someone will encourage you to put your talents to work. Inspiration will find you this week in a business or money matter, this could be just what you need to speed up your progress. Continue to inspire yourself and those around you, this will keep you motivated and unstoppable.

Pisces (2/19-3/20)

Life feels cluttered and complicated at the moment. Take some time this week to sit down with a pen and paper and get clear on everything. Write down your options and ideas then compare them. This will give you a great deal of clarity for the future. You have a stronger opinion on something you are seeking approval. This may force you to be more independent in the decisions you make, which is definitely a good thing.

Aries (3/21-4/19)

It is a good week to lie low. If you make your presence known, you will be in high demand. You owe it to yourself to put your own needs first this week. Take some time to rest. Someone could want to rekindle an old relationship this week. If the feeling is not mutual make it known and make it obvious. If you try to be polite it could end up hurting this person worse that just being forward in the matter. Be discerning in what you choose to do this week.

Taurus (4/20-5/20)

You may feel that you can leap forward with a goal and omit the usual steps to get there. However, the steps in between the start and finish are essential to your mastery here. Accept that you need to go at it gradually and be realistic with your approach. You may have the chance to catch up on budgeting and finances this week. It is a matter of focusing on it now, rather than it becoming more difficult in the future. You will have a turning point in a close relationship this week, as long as you listen to what the other person is feeling.

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Self-love . . . Do you struggle with this concept? I mean what does it mean to love yourself anyway? . . . In order to truly open up our heart and love others we must first go inward and see the worthiness in loving ourselves. . . Often times people seek validation and fulfillment from others leading down a spiral of unhealthy relationships and vices trying to fill this ‘heart space’ with something that feels real. . . The struggle is over! It’s time to put yourself first, to realize your worth, and to fall so head over heels in love with yourself that you only attract high vibe energy all around you. . . So go invest in that online coach, buy yourself that sexy outfit you’ve been wanting, and start loving the fuck out of yourself! Because if you don’t.. who will? 🤷🏽‍♀️ #crystalhealingenergy #crystalhealing #selflovecoach #selflovematters #selflovemovement #meditationeveryday #meditationtools #5dlifestyle #spiritualdevelopment #spiritualbossbabe #bossbabetribe #selfcarecoach #investinyou #maketimeforyourself #glowwiththeflow #highvibelife #createyourownhappiness #fallinlovewithyourself #reikihealer #spiritualmentor #inward #selfreflection #starchild #moonchild

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